Sunday, October 10, 2010

A visit from the Pitts

This past weekend was the Arts and Crafts Festival here in Mound City. Ever since Bryson and I moved to great town of Mound City everyone has been telling us about this festival. "Over 20,000 people come to town!" they said. Bryson and I couldn't fully believe that THAT many people came out of the woodworks to this town of 800 for a crafts fair. The morning finally came of the arts festival and this little town was sprung to life. This festival is so big that they have to have bus routes and cops directing traffic because of all the people trying to get in and out. It was insane! Below is a picture of part of the festival. And believe me when I say that this picture does not do justice for how overly crowded this place was!

Not only was the festival this weekend but also my parents decided to pay us a visit! It was our first visit from them since we have moved here. My mom seemed to have really enjoyed the festival. Maybe a little tooo much. ; )

While we were leaving the festival we decided to walk back to our car instead of tacking the bus. Even though we were tired of walking we felt like we made the right decision. Who wants to be cooped up in a crowded hot bus when you could walk outside with a nice cool breeze? We sure didn't. Plus, if we had we wouldn't have had the opportunity to view this lovely autumn creek.

I enjoyed showing my parents around our new home and hearing my dad complain about there not being a Cafe in town to eat breakfast. My parents were really glad to find out and see with there own eyes that we do in fact live in the ONLY hilly and tree filled part of Kansas. It was also really rewarding seeing how proud they were of Bryson and I.

1 comment:

  1. Very good pictures! The creek looks just like something you'd find in missouri- i almost forgot you were in Kansas! ha! Your mom's picture is hilarious and adorable, and your church is cute, too!
